Church As Folk

Finding lifegiving connection with the divine, ourselves, and others


Church as folk, with Rev. Joe Michael, is a Christ centered ministry that emphasizes the goodness and grace found in our common humanity, the world around us, and God’s choosing to be present among us. It incorporates the wisdom of Druidry and seeks to integrate ecologically attuned spirituality in its practice and expression to connect with the divine locally, viscerally, and in service of healing, justice, and liberation. It’s a spiritual approach found in celebrating the sacred within, in our communities, and in nature. It loves our planet, our bodies, our people, and our folkways. It is founded on the audacious belief that the divine is in us, with us, and among us in more forms than we can imagine. This living and loving God yearns to participate in our lives, communities, and worlds wherever we may be.

Come Let Us Reason Together

Audio and video of spiritual reflections, sermons, and teachings


Turning of the Wheel

Timely writing for the season: Reflections, prayers, and liturgies





Want to create a retreat together? Click here to learn more.


Interested in one-on-one or group encounter? Click here to discover available services.

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