Ripening and Exhalation

Early August marks the season of Lughnasadh, the beginning of harvest season. It’s a time of ripening and coming to fruition. If you think of the year as breath this is that first bit of exhale. When you just start to push air out.  In my own life, I’m noticing a ripening of sorts. A time when the fruits of careful sowing and growing are taking on a sweetness and a fullness.  What might be coming to fruition in your life?  What is ripening for you?

With the ripening of fruit and the coming of harvest is also the idea of sacrifice. The days are getting shorter as the wheel of the year descends towards winter. For corn and grains such as barley to become food they must die. The plant is consumed yielding its power to sustain life.  In a way it is the Earth’s exhalation. Are you coming aware of resources that must be spent and/or consumed within you or in your life?

As you enter this harvest season I pray that you enjoy the sweetness of ripening. That you are fed and fulfilled by your harvest and that you sacrifice wisely that life may flourish. 


Closing and Opening


Shadows and Healing