Come Let Us Reason Together


Friends of the Forest

What if they want to see you?

. . .What if they want you to come, to be, breathe, and belong?

. . . Like family who delight in your presence they just want to see you and tell you that you are okay, beloved, and belong. . .


Easter 2023

A reflection on our Easter scriptures and God’s desire for justice and right relationship in our world. As we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection let us be inspired and empowered to remake a more just and loving world.


Advent Invitation

Advent as a season is an invitation to love and acceptance. May your Advent journey be grounded in love and may you experience the acceptance God offers. Please enjoy this video and forgive the video framing. If you would like to share your Advent reflections please email them to



Reflecting on the creation story in Genesis 2:18-25

a celebration of human difference and a call to inclusion in honor of pride month.

Holy Week: Power and the Blood

In loosing our lives we find them

Luke 22:14-23


John the Baptizer’s Feast

In honor of the Feast of John the Baptist (June 24th) and Summer Solstice a reflection on the self-giving love of God.


Holy Week

Blessings and peace to you this Holy Week! As we walk this time between Lent and Easter, between fasting and feasting, between suffering and celebration may we remember that both are holy. God is with us in our being and in our becoming.


St. Patrick’s Breastplate

A remix of ancient prayers for grace and protection. I sometimes pray these prayers when I’m traveling or going into the wilderness. As you pray this prayer may your awareness of Christ’s presence grow. If you would like to see more videos as they are created subscribe to receive news and updates below.


Ash Wednesday and Lent

Do it yourself ashes and Lenten encouragement. If you would like spiritual coaching to support you in your Lenten journey please contact me through the services page.


Breath of Life

Reflection on Genesis 2:4-7 to consider reproductive rights and the sacred breath of life. The video includes chanting in reverence of the holy.