The Rising Energy of Beltane

On or around May 1st marks the time of Beltane for Druids and those who observe the wheel of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  We’re halfway between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.  If you think of the year like a breath. Imbolc is the moment that you just begin to inhale and Beltane is the moment where your lungs are more full than empty.  The energy of breath is rising towards its fullness.  It’s also the moment where Spring is entering into its fullness.  Flowers are blooming and bees are buzzing.  This rising of energy and the flower blooming makes me think about the power of attraction.  The power of the flower is in it’s ability to attract the pollinator.  Many humans also experience a surge in attractive energy and power this time of year with heightened libido and romantic activity.  The folk traditions and celebrations for this season are often celebrations of fertility, virility, joy, and sensual pleasure.  For me this invites the question, what am I being drawn to?  What am I attracting towards my life?  What am I drawing the world around me towards?  In this season of Beltane I invite you to consider what you find attractive and what you are attracting.  May your attractions be blessed, life giving, and joyful.


Stillness and Fullness


Lenten Repentance